Choosing a quality salmon: what you should pay attention to
The farther from the place where the fish is caught to the end consumer, the greater the range of fish products is presented in retail chains and specialized seafood stores, and the greater the risk of getting a low-quality or stale product. For a worthy copy in terms of taste and quality indicators to be on your table, you need to know a few subtleties and nuances.
First, we must consider that wild Pacific salmon is the most valuable for the human body. He appeared from the eggs after the entry of fish to spawn in freshwater and then plied the ocean, feeding on his own and saturated with all the valuable substances of salty seawater. Recently, the business of growing salmon on farms has been developing. It cannot say that artificially produced salmon does not have all the vitamins and minerals inherent in wild salmon. In some respects, Pacific salmon may even be inferior to farm salmon, for example, in the content of omega-3 fatty acids. More of it is found in farmed fish, and it is fatter and more nutritious. But this is achieved due to special fattening and a low degree of fish mobility - salmon grows in a special cage, but it does not get its food. Moreover, to prevent the development of diseases in salmon, drugs can be added to the feed and dyes to saturate salmon meat with a brighter color to match wild salmon. Pacific wild salmon swim thousands of kilometers in their life due to their well-developed fins and smaller fat layers. It feeds on phytoplankton and small crustaceans, thanks to which the color of salmon meat acquires a rich, delicate pink hue.
To understand what kind of salmon lies in front of you in the window, pay attention:
on its fins: in wild salmon, they are large and well developed, in contrast to the tiny fins of farm salmon;
for color: farmed salmon is much paler or unnaturally bright (if dyes are used in the diet);
for a cut of a fillet: if the white veins differ well, then you have a farm salmon in front of you;
on the price: due to significant investments and high costs, the price of artificially grown fish is higher.
So, you have identified the type of salmon. Next, you need to check the freshness of the fish. If this is a carcass, the first clue is clean, clear eyes and bright gills. When choosing fillets or steaks, when there is no way to evaluate the head, look at its appearance - the fish should be beautiful, shiny, without spots and darkening, and moderately dense. After pressing it with your finger, the dent in fresh salmon instantly restores its shape. A sign of repeated freezing and thawing is pale "loose" meat, dark spots on the surface, and a fishy smell, no matter how strange it may be. Fresh fish should smell like the sea, saltwater.
The color and surface of the salmon will tell a lot about the quality of the fish, even if it's packaged. The packaging itself must also be intact, and if it is a vacuum, then without air and liquid. As part of fish products, only two ingredients are allowed - fish and salt.
Salmon of the Vostochny Bereg brand (Bering Seafood) meets all the requirements for freshness and quality. By purchasing the company's products, you can ensure that you have Pacific wild salmon caught in compliance with all the rules. The production of "Vostochny Bereg" is concentrated right on the coast. It is mined in the ecologically clean and water-rich Kamchatka Territory. After the fish is caught, it is immediately cut up and subjected to deep shock freezing, which preserves all the valuable and valuable substances of the product.
Feel free to trust the company "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood), and there will always be deliciously fresh, high-quality salmon on your table.