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Similarities and differences of caviar from different types of salmon

Salmon granular caviar is produced from chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, trout, and chinook by treating it with a solution of table salt. If an opaque jar with red caviar says "salmon caviar," "salmon roe," or something similar, then under the lid caviar from different types of salmon fish or, in general, the so-called mash from its other species can be hidden. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase packages with GOST marking and the fish's name from which the caviar is made.

The main similarities of all types of caviar are their origin from salmon fish, a red tint, for which caviar is called red, salty taste. Also, any red caviar has most of the beneficial properties inherent in salmon and is considered a delicacy.

Red caviar differs in taste and visual characteristics. Each type has features and benefits. It is impossible to say unequivocally which caviar is better or tastier, and everything is subjective.

Pink salmon caviar is a classic among salmon caviar. Most of it comes from the Far East, and the leading supplier is the Kamchatka company "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood). Pink salmon is the most prolific in its family; therefore, producers most often use it. Her caviar is medium in size (up to 5 mm), bright orange with a pinkish tinge. The shell of the eggs is not very strong; some of them burst when stirred, forming a caviar juice called jus. Pink salmon caviar has a delicate sweetish taste and can retain its nutritional and taste qualities for a long time. In terms of its nutritional properties, it ranks second and is second only to coho salmon caviar.

Chum salmon caviar is practically the largest; its eggs reach 6 mm in diameter and have a regular spherical shape. The shell of the eggs is quite dense, for which many do not favor it. On the other hand, it provides the characteristic sensation of "bursting" eggs. A noticeable fatty speck-germ and a bright amber-orange color make caviar popular in decorating dishes.

Sockeye salmon is one of the first to spawn, entering the market earlier than other species. Sockeye salmon caviar is one of the smallest, the average size of eggs is 2.5 mm, and the maximum is 4 mm. Caviar is distinguished by bright red color and a subtle bitter aftertaste. Most of the caviar produced is sold in yastiks (thin-film bags that contain caviar), and only a tiny amount is supplied in granular caviar.

Compared to other salmon eggs, sockeye salmon caviar contains more natural fatty acids; however, this caviar has a shorter shelf life.

Trout caviar is considered the smallest salmon caviar; the average diameter of eggs does not exceed 2-3 mm. On the palate, there is a slight bitterness and a fishy aftertaste. Trout caviar is the most diverse in color because there are many species of this fish. It comes in yellow and dark yellow, red and bright red. Trout caviar is usually served on canapes and sandwiches since its eggs are sticky and salty.

Coho salmon caviar is slightly smaller than pink salmon caviar (about 4 mm) but differs significantly in color - dark red with a burgundy tint. Caviar has a characteristic bitter taste and ranks first in nutritional properties. Like sockeye caviar, it has a shorter shelf life than other types.

Chinook is already recognized as the "royal" salmon fish, and it is the largest in the whole family. Accordingly, her eggs are large, like chum salmon, about 6-7 mm in diameter, and bright red. They have a rich, full-bodied taste and a medium-thick shell, so the "popping" of eggs in the mouth is especially pleasant. Since chinook salmon is the most delicious salmon fish, its caviar is a special delicacy, rare and expensive than other species.

Salmon, or lake salmon, is considered the most valuable variety of salmon. It was recently listed in the Red Book, so this type of caviar is not available for free sale.

Despite the differences, red caviar is still a delicacy, a tasty and healthy product, regardless of the type of fish. From which it is made. Try all the available styles and choose what suits your taste.