Almost everyone knows about the value and benefits of salmon, but besides this, there are other interesting facts about this fantastic fish. Let's list some of them.
- The salmon family is over a hundred million years old. There are suggestions that they caught the era of dinosaurs.
- Salmon - almost the main chameleons in the animal kingdom! They have a highly developed ability to adapt to living conditions and disguise themselves. So, they quickly adapt to any environment.
- The composition of salmon explains the beautiful and unusual color of the meat: it contains a lot of natural pigment, which the fish receives by eating crustaceans and phytoplankton.
- Despite its fat content, salmon is recognized as a dietary product. Many Hollywood stars use it solely for weight loss purposes.
- The saltiest salmon meat is pink salmon.
- Salmon spawn once in their life, after which they die, mainly due to exhaustion.
- salmon can compete with dogs in terms of their olfactory ability. It is proven that salmon orient themselves in space by smell and find their way into the sea and back to their native freshwaters. Memory for odors is formed strictly at a particular time, and it seems to reflect the characteristics of the environment at a certain point in life.
- Along with the sense of smell, the salmon has a very developed sense of the magnetic field. Due to this, he is oriented in space in any conditions and weather.
- The longest path done by salmon is 3845 km upstream. Chinook salmon made it for spawning.
- Salmon Farm Paradox: Farms are set up to compensate for the rapid decline in wild salmon but at the same time significantly harm wild fish. In the artificial environment, a parasite called the salmon louse feeds on blood. Such a parasite is harmless for adult salmon, but young individuals cannot cope with it and do not survive. Penetrating the wild, salmon louse poses a severe threat to the salmon population
- Simultaneously with destructive parasites, others live on salmon, which, on the contrary, prolong the fish's life. For example, bivalves of pearl oysters slow down the aging of salmon in cold climates. From two to seven thousand mollusks can be concentrated on one salmon.
- Young salmon have different names depending on their age and location: those that feed near their birthplace are fry, those that go into the river and acquire a motley camouflage color are motley, and rolling fish (those that tend to salty seawater) - smolts. Silver smolts and parrs are so different that they cannot be mistaken for representatives of the same species.
- The most prominent representative of salmon fish is the chinook salmon, which inhabits the coast of the Kamchatka Territory. This genuinely royal salmon reaches 2 meters in length and 60 kg in weight. But despite its impressive size, the chinook can jump to a height of more than one meter. She perfectly overcomes rapids and even climbs up waterfalls.
And then there is one legend about salmon, told by the Irish.
It says that there is a well surrounded by nine sacred trees in the very heart of Ireland. The nuts that ripen on them fall into the well, where they are eaten by salmon and carried around the world. If you catch such a salmon, you can gain all the wisdom in the world.
Eat salmon meat, and wisdom is your health.