Blog Bering Seafood

The secret to harmony and beauty of world stars lies in salmon and red caviar

Women worldwide, regardless of their status and social status, always strive to look young and beautiful. What can we say about secular beauties and style icons, singers and actresses, and media personalities who set the tone and are models and standards of beauty ... Although the tremendous financial opportunities that allow you to pay for any cosmetic procedures and massages, the path to beauty and its maintenance begins with physical exercise and proper nutrition. Maintaining health, youth and beauty is an important and challenging job, where there are no holidays, days off, and vacations; this is the daily work of millions of women.

There are a vast number of all kinds of diets, but there are not so many "correct" ones: losing extra pounds is far from the only task of the diet. It is essential at the same time to preserve the health of the body, the beauty of the skin, hair, and nails, and not to bring yourself stress due to the monotonous diet or the inability to eat what you want. The leaders among the "correct" diets are protein, and they are the most balanced and beneficial. An excellent diet is a fish and seafood; in particular, salmon is the king of all fish.

Redfish and red caviar are rich in protein and fats and contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, vitamins A, E, B, and D, and amino acids and trace elements necessary for our body. The correct ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates makes redfish a favorite of athletes, allowing you to build or restore muscle. Salmon is digested by 98% and quickly satisfies hunger while leaving a feeling of lightness.

Did you know that cholesterol can be beneficial too? A large amount of such cholesterol is found in red caviar. It reduces the number of low-density lipoproteins, preventing the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. This helps to maintain a good figure and get rid of cellulite.

Those who choose a salmon diet do not suffer from a monotonous diet. Can cook fish in various ways: steamed, grilled, oven-baked, whole, or steaked. It can be salted and preserved, minced, or served as a mousse. Salmon is perfectly complemented by vegetables and green salads, suitable for everyday meals and a festive table - bake it with spices and lemon and add sauce (creamy sauce with red caviar would be an excellent option).

With the daily use of salmon, hair and nails are healed, and the skin acquires a healthy color and radiance, the number of inflammations that appear mainly due to an unbalanced diet of low-quality products is reduced. No wonder salmon is one of the favorite foods of Hollywood stars and other celebrities. Thanks to its regular use, they control their weight and, with a competent approach to nutrition, they also reduce it. The obligatory presence of salmon and red caviar is increasingly included in star riders because it should not violate a healthy lifestyle and proper diet on trips and tours.

Star beauties willingly share their slimness and beauty recipes, paying tribute to the regular use of salmon and red caviar. The Far East company "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood). The company has been supplying the market with high-quality fish and red granular caviar for more than 20 years. Modern equipment, good location (on the shores of the Bering Sea), and professionalism of the employees allow, in the shortest possible time after catching the fish, to cut and freeze it, preserving all vitamins and microelements. Products are supplied to more than ten countries of the world and compete with other manufacturers of fish delicacies with a great advantage.

If salmon is not yet at the top of your diet, start prioritizing it as soon as possible, and the result will not belong in coming. With the products of the "Vostochny Bereg" (Bering Seafood), you will quickly feel a surge of strength, energy, and admiring glances from others.